The ASUW Gender Equity Commission

October 8, 2012

October w/ WAC: register to vote, attend De Pie (On Our Feet), recognize the true histories of this land…

Greetings, folks,

Happy October! I hope you all enjoying the beautiful leaves, the surprising amount of sunshine and planning your creative (and anti-racist!) Halloween costumes. And if you haven’t already, remember that today is your LAST day to REGISTER TO VOTE! Register or update your information at this link:

I’m excited to share with y’all an extremely rad event that we’re supporting this month. We’re honored to be co-sponsoring the Seattle Fandango Project and UW’s Convivencia: Convening Community’s upcoming workshop series, De Pie (On Our Feet) Healing Through Dance and Music//Sanando Atravez de la Musica y el Baile.

University of Washington
School of Music Rm 313
Wednesdays, October 10th & 17th @ 6PM
Seattle, WA

These two workshop sessions will be lead by Annahi (Saoco) Hernandez, a community organizer and bailadora/dancer within the fandango tradition. For more information on Annahi and the other events she will be facillitating through the Seattle Fandango Project, see the Facebook event:

In other news, we are working hard to begin WAC meetings next week! So, stayed tuned if you would like to attend those weekly organizing sessions as a volunteer. The meeting time will be announced on our Facebook page. If you haven’t already liked the WAC, do it now:

I also wanted to share with you some other upcoming campus events:

  • The UW Women’s Center presents “She Asked For It!  Why We Like To Judge Rape Victims w/ Keynote Speaker Anne Munch”, Kane 120 on October 15th @ 5:30-7:30p. More info here.
  • New Geographies of Feminist Art: China, Asia + the World (An International Conference), Kane Hall and Henry Art Gallery @ November 15-17th, Free registration and open to the public. More info and sign-ups here.
  • Sexual Assault: Victim Rights & Support featuring Jennifer Storm, Kane Hall 140 on October 17th @ 7p.

As a final word, since today is the federal “holiday” called Columbus Day, I wanted to encourage everyone to reconsider the supposed celebration today marks. For more information, see this website:

Thanks for reading! Don’t hesitate to email, call or visit my office with any questions, comments, critiques or concerns.
